Media that Sells - Spotlight Events

#TakeMeBack to my old business, Media that Sells! 

Media that Sells, was an Advertising Media Placement Service for clients who want to reach people with active lifestyles through unique forms of media (signs, banners, digital, etc...) in entertainment, recreational and leisure venues. 

We offered unique "Recreational Networking Events" for Pre-Sales Opportunities to our existing clients to see and try out new forms of media.  We were placing media at Bowling Alleys, Golf Courses, YMCA Family Centers, and many other high traffic locations throughout the Greater Orlando area.

We also partnered with the East Orlando Chamber and Dr. Phillips Chamber to help our advertisers maximize their memberships.

We developed Showcase Events, which I am featuring in today's post.  The link will bring you to our new company "Game Plan Media Events" which now owns the rights to this former concept.

#business #advertising #entertainment #recreation #media


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