Texas work and possible house hunting

The Benson Ohana will be heading to Texas in a couple of weeks....

Checking out the area for work (JAFRA, Game Plan Media Events, Game Plan Local) and also to possibly move here when Colin retires.
Starting and ending in Dallas (traveling through Waco, Austin, San Antonio, Houston and back to Dallas)

ISO- Looking for friends and family and recommendations in Dallas, Waco, San Antonio and Houston, Texas!

In a few short weeks I will be in Dallas for a JAFRA conference.
Jan 16-19 staying in the Dallas area
Laura Benson's Jafra Page

Then, Colin will be joining me afterwards, so we can explore the area looking for a possible new home after his retirement.

We will be in the area for another week checking out various local areas and neighborhoods.

While traveling around the cities in the area I will be continuing to work with Game Plan Media Events and Game Plan Local as well as building up some new pages that I just started for local area in these cities:
We will leave Dallas Dallas Local and head to Waco Waco Local and then Austin Austin Local followed by San Antonio San Antonio Local and last, Houston Houston Local

When we are finished we will make our way back up to Dallas around the 27th

Contact us with any advice for areas to check out and visit or if you would like a visit!! ❤️


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