Movie of the Month

Game Plan Media once partnered with Regal Cinemas for "Movie of the Month"
We had a blast!  

You may have seen us at any one of the many Regal Cinemas locations throughout Orlando, Florida.

Movie Goers and Patrons of local movie partners can enter to win lots of cool prizes and free stuff! 
Look for a  "Movie of the Month” enter to win signs, located at designated Movie Partner locations.  
Enter your name and contact information along with the title of the movie.  
You can enter at every partner location and also enter once more 
Visit our Game Plan Movie of the Month Facebook Page to interact with Business Sponsors.

Businesses can compete to win the featured business spotlight, as the “Movie Spotlight” in the theater lobby or participate in external co-marketing programs that support the program as a “Movie Partner”  Find out which of these programs would be best for your business. click here to download the agreement.

  • Movie of the Month will be featured through social media, web blogs, newsletters and postcards at the theater BEFORE the movie comes out.  Visit the Movie of the Month Case and see the props and decorations in the  display change each month. 
  • One weekend before the movie release date of the Movie, the Business will set up an interactive display in the lobby with activities, props and entertainment.  
  • Watch for the Grand Prize as well as many other prizes and offers from area Movie Partners.  


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