Colin's Condition - May 31, 2017
Morning after the first IVIG Journal entry by Laura Benson — May 31, 2017 Colin's transfer took approximately six hours. Thankfully, he had no side effects and he was able to receive the entire transfer of donated antibodies. (It's too medically complicated for me to explain, but that is the reason it took so many hours. A lot of vital checks - every 15 minutes in the beginning, etc.) The nurses let me stay for the first hour (beyond visiting hours). He should have two more transfers (one per day). For information about the IVIG, I have pasted a few links to some articles below: (IVIG for DRESS syndrome) / (IVIG for for SJS/TEN syndrome) Colin also had a visit from Hematology yesterday and again this morning. The doctors will closely be monitoring not only his labs, biopsies, et...