Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Business Assistance Team

This group is assembled in order for start ups or other local businesses and special event projects to succeed. We share events, contacts and resources in this closed group.

In this group you will share tips and ideas, give advice on lead generation, messaging and branding, and explore how to grow the local business and special events in the community.

This Advisory Board meets in person as well as through on line resources.

Facebook Group: click here

Linkedin Group: click here 

Businesses will be listed with logo or head shot along with company or professional bio.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1 is National Walking Day

April 1 is National Walking Day
Get out an take a walk today!  Just remember to practice safe Social Distancing.

April National Months

According to the National Day Calendar there are many monthly observances for April Read more here: APRIL NATIONAL MONTHS National Alcohol Awareness Month English Language Month National Month of Hope National Canine Fitness Month National Financial Literacy Month National Internship Awareness Month Distracted Driving Awareness Month National Child Abuse Awareness Month National Donate Life Awareness Month National Cannabis Awareness Month National Fair Housing Month Month of the Military Child International Guitar Month Keep America Beautiful Month Lawn and Garden Month National Autism Awareness Month National Couple Appreciation Month National Decorating Month National Fresh Celery Month National Garden Month National Humor Month National Jazz Appreciation Month National Soft Pretzel Month National Soy Foods Month National Straw Hat Month National Parkinson’s Awareness Month National Poetry Month National Pecan Month National Volunteer Month National Welding Month Occupational Therapy Month Records and Information Management Month Scottish-American Heritage Month Sexual Assault Awareness Month Stress Awareness Month National Safe Digging Month World Landscape Architecture Month

Month of April

According to The Balance Careers, there are many organizations, observances and celebrations that happen in the month of April See more here: April is "National Month" Calendar African American Women's Fitness Month Alcohol Awareness Month Black Women's History Month Celebrate Diversity Month Confederate History Month Distracted Driving Awareness Month Financial Literacy Month Foot Health Awareness Month Fresh Florida Tomato Month Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month Keep America Beautiful Month Lawn and Garden Month Mathematics Awareness Month Month of the Military Child National Arab American Heritage Month National Autism Awareness Month National Canine Fitness Month National Cancer Control Month National Cannabis Awareness Month National Car Care Month National Child Abuse Awareness Month National Couple Appreciation Month National Deaf History Month (March 13 to April 15) National Decorating Month National Donate Life Awareness Month National Fair Housing Month National Fresh Celery Month National Garden Month National Humor Month National Internship Awareness Month National Jazz Appreciation Month National Minority Health Month National Month of Hope National Multiple Birth Awareness Month National Occupational Therapy Month National Parkinson's Awareness Month National Pecan Month National Poetry Month National Safe Digging Month National Soft Pretzel Month National Soy Foods Month National Straw Hat Month National Volunteer Month National Welding Month Occupational Therapy Month Pets are Wonderful Month Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month Records and Information Management Month School Library Month Scottish American Heritage Month Second Chance Month Sexual Assault Awareness Month Sexually Transmitted Infections Awareness Month Stress Awareness Month World Landscape Architecture Month

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

NIAID - National Institutes of Allergy Infectious Disease

The NIAID - National Institutes of Allergy Infectious Disease is the institute that has been helping my husband (Colin Benson) with DRESS Syndrome.  We are so blessed to have a strong team of dedicated health professionals in his life and caring for him.

In May of 2018 the NIAID (after much research and analysis of Colin's specific condition) offered to take Colin into their full time care and hospitalize him with a trial drug, Tofacitinib.  They were also going to try anti-viral therapy for his HHV-6 reactivation.

Tofacitinib is also known as xeljanz.  Xeljanz is primarily used for Rheumatoid Arthritis.  It is a strong and powerful drug, one that comes with a black box warning label.

Our family was made aware of this drug around the time he was hospitalized at Walter Reed Medical Military Center (WRNMMC) in December 2017.  The medical team at WRNMMC had tried various other drugs and these medicines just weren't strong enough or able to hold back his break through skin eruptions, rashes and his relapses.  Not only was his skin shedding in great volume, but his labs were showing more damage to his kidneys and liver. Additionally labs showed reactivation of the HHV-6 Virus.  It was clear that there was a lot more going on than just DRESS Syndrome.  DRESS Syndrome should go away after removing the offending drug and after several weeks of mediciations.  Unfortunately, Colin complex condition was much more severe and longer lasting.

Because his condition was so unique and the medicine that NIH was interested in using was so powerful, we took Colin to Mayo Clinic for a second opinion.  A new set of brilliant doctors were looking over his entire body, labs and medical history only to concur that his case was unique.  His doctors were all in uncharted waters and no medical treatment plan existed for his condition, nor was there a diagnosis that really explained everything happening with him.  Even still, every doctor was still trying to determine just exactly what was his medical condition.  Since DRESS Syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion all of doctors could only do one thing, keep testing.

Some of the suggestions provided by doctors at Mayo Clinic were to continue with IVIG (Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment).  He previously used IVIG three days in a row while hospitalized at the Burn Unit in Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC. Additionally, Mayo Clinic doctors were able to determine that Colin's CYP2D6 Gene metabolized drugs slowly in his liver.

After visiting the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota twice, it was now April 2018 and we were ready to move forward with Tofacitinib and the Anti-Viral with NIH in Bethesda, MD.  The process took a few weeks and he was moved into their hospital for observation in May of 2018.

He stayed in-patient at the NIH (NIAID) for over 6+ weeks.  (Thankfully it was across the street from WRNMMC, so I was able to see him every day.  I was also permitted to spend the night with him several times.)

NIH working hard COVID-19

NIH Research Matters - March 24, 2020 Edition

COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation, and we at NIH are doing everything we can toward the development of diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. You can find the latest public health information from CDC at and the latest research information from NIH at Meanwhile, science continues to progress on many other fronts, and we will continue to try to bring you stories across a wide range of topics.

Coronavirus may remain on surfaces for days

Scientists found that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can be detected in aerosols for up to three hours and on plastic and stainless steel surfaces for up to three days.

To Learn More:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Are you looking for a connection to others and to God?
In case you have missed church this morning, please consider joining us at Risen Savior, in Orlando, FL

Our Pastor has recorded his service for us to participate safely from home.

Keep safe and healthy.
God Bless you

20-03-22 Risen Savior Lent 4 from Steven Blumer on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Colin's Condition - March 15, 2020

Corticosteroid Step Down
Medical Information:  Hydrocortisone/ Steroids 

March 15, 2020

We were instructed by the endocrinology department at the Lake Nona VA to continue with Colin's Steroid Taper.  

We were instructed to continue with his Cortisone (steroids) taper, or "step down" and his doctors put a plan together that would cover the next few tapers.  We would be stepping him down four weeks at a time.  He began this schedule on January 26, 2020; however we traveled a little (to meet our grandchild) so he was too exhausted to start the next taper.  We moved it back two weeks.

Today he is on: (Listing immune suppression medicine only)
15 mg of Hydrocortisone 10 mg in the morning and 5 mg in the evening.

It is good that he is off Prednisone, but his body is still not completely clear of his rash and itchiness.   
Currently his abdomen and legs down to his feet are covered in red skin rashes and bumps.

At the onset of his illness Colin was initially taking 125 mg of steroids!  That is a very high (dangerously high) amount of steroids.  He began taking this high dose back in April 2017.  Unfortunately, he has suffered damage to his eyes from long term steroid use.  He has a lot of eye pain and pressure.  I give him a lot eye drops.  We also learned that he not only has glaucoma, but also has to have cataract surgery.  This explains why he is having a hard time seeing, blocked vision, headaches, pain and burning in his eyes and also seeing starbursts. 

Doctors have been attempting to slowly taper him off this high dose of steroids, cellcept and also Cyclosporine to replace with his experimental drug:  XELJANZ XR (tofacitinib) 

Here is some information about tapering slowly from Mayo Clinic

My husband has a very unusual, prolonged undiagnosed medical condition that is chronic.  They have temporarily labeled his condition as immune dysregulation and chronic "DRESS Syndrome" with a reactivation of HHV-6 virus.  
There is a HHV-6 Foundation website that contains "some" information that is helpful to us, but again there has been no one found in the world that has what my husband has.  
So this entire process has been scary, stressful, confusing and challenging.  Which is why we continue to prayer for God to watch over Colin and to heal him.  

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Colin's Condition - January 26, 2020

Corticosteroid Step Down
Medical Information:  Hydrocortisone/ Steroids 

January 26, 2020

We were instructed by the endocrinology department at the Lake Nona VA to continue with Colin's Steroid Taper.  

We were instructed to continue with his Cortisone (steroids) taper, or "step down" and his doctors put a plan together that would cover the next few tapers.  We would be stepping him down four weeks at a time.
Today he will taper to 15 mg in the morning and then 5 mg in the evening for four weeks.

Today he is on: (Listing immune suppression medicine only)
20 mg of Hydrocortisone 15 mg in the morning and 5 mg in the evening.

It is good that he is off Prednisone, but his body is still not completely clear of his rash and itchiness.   
Currently his abdomen and legs down to his feet are covered in red skin rashes and bumps.

At the onset of his illness Colin was initially taking 125 mg of steroids!  That is a very high (dangerously high) amount of steroids.  He began taking this high dose back in April 2017.  Unfortunately, he has suffered damage to his eyes from long term steroid use.  He has a lot of eye pain and pressure.  I give him a lot eye drops.  We also learned that he not only has glaucoma, but also has to have cataract surgery.  This explains why he is having a hard time seeing, blocked vision, headaches, pain and burning in his eyes and also seeing starbursts. 

Doctors have been attempting to slowly taper him off this high dose of steroids, cellcept and also Cyclosporine to replace with his experimental drug:  XELJANZ XR (tofacitinib) 

Here is some information about tapering slowly from Mayo Clinic

My husband has a very unusual, prolonged undiagnosed medical condition that is chronic.  They have temporarily labeled his condition as immune dysregulation and chronic "DRESS Syndrome" with a reactivation of HHV-6 virus.  
There is a HHV-6 Foundation website that contains "some" information that is helpful to us, but again there has been no one found in the world that has what my husband has.  
So this entire process has been scary, stressful, confusing and challenging.  Which is why we continue to prayer for God to watch over Colin and to heal him.