Monday, October 7, 2019

Colin's Condition - October 7, 2019

October 7,2019

My husband has a very unusual, prolonged undiagnosed medical condition that is chronic.

They have temporarily labeled his condition as immune dysregulation and chronic "DRESS Syndrome" with a reactivation of HHV-6 virus.  
There is a HHV-6 Foundation website that contains "some" information that is helpful to us, but again there has been no one found in the world that has what my husband has.  

So this entire process has been scary, stressful, confusing and challenging.  Which is why we continue to pray for God to watch over Colin and to heal him.

Today's Update:
Colin had an appointment with National Institutes of Health (NIH) to review the immune protocol and the results so far of this experimental medication that he is taking.
He has had testing twice on his adrenal function to see if it is safe to take him completely off Prednisone and switch to Hydrocortisone. 
At that time, he was not yet ready.

So at a later visit (August 6, 2019) he took the test again.  
He "barely" showed within range (at the very bottom line).
We were instructed to continue with his Prednisone (steroids) and then switch over to Hydrocortisone when he has plenty of down time to rest and work through it.

He is a also a patient at our local VA (Lake Nona).  However, he is being followed closely by NIH.  

Today he is on: (Listing immune suppression medicine only)
ZERO mg of Prednisone!!
25 mg of Hydrocortisone
10 mg of Tofacitinib

No more Prenisone!  
Predisone has caused so many problems for my husband.
He has Cushings
He has Glaucoma & Cataracts - Steroid-induced posterior subcapsular cataracts (PSCs)
(He had the surgery, they also placed a stint into each eye)

We don't know how he will react with this change in medicine.  
At the onset of his illness Colin was initially taking 125 mg of steroids!  That is a very high (dangerously high) amount of steroids.  He began taking this high dose back in April 2017. 

Colin currently has many red spots all over his back and legs. He is completely exhausted, constant head aches and lots of pain in his joints all over. 

I made the mistake of bringing him along with me to a business networking event last Tuesday. That totally wiped him out for the rest of the week. He barely got out of bed.

He was able to attend one of my doctor appointments with me, which was very comforting.

On Saturday he was able to walk, just a little, through a community event. We only stayed for about thirty minutes though.

He has not gotten out of bed now from the pain and exhaustion.
My heart goes out to him, every day and forever.  This situation has been really hard on me as well.  Hard on my body - I have a lot of doctors and procedures and care now that we have left Walter Reed.  I miss my husband.  Colin has no energy, he has no strength.  We don't get to do many things together expect attend doctor appointments.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Celebrating Vegetarians in October


I am a vegetarian.  

I have been nearly all of my life.  
I am that guest at dinner that can't find anything to eat on the menu.  I am that person that suddenly gets interrogated and questioned about my choice to not eat animal products, and then this becomes the ONLY topic discussed at dinner.  I am that person that can't eat at anyone's house.  I am that person that offends others when they ask me to try at dish that isn't vegetarian.

I am NOT that person who educates others in a gross or scary way.  Well there was this one time, that I sat my children down for the "talk."  In our house that talk was about our pets, zoos and what we eat. We all know where it comes from.  I just chose not to eat it, ever.  Honestly, I just feel so bad for the animals, so I can't do it.  I can't stand the smell of it cooking.  I hate the hype for a certain food that looks, smells and tastes like meat.  (I won't mention any names).  There is no way that I would want to pretend to eat meat.  

I once tried a burger.  It was grilled (probably by actual meat and on a grill and then had meat juices on it - ew!) and it was rubbery and hard to bite into.  Then I saw the "blood" which was later explained to me as beet juice.  I called the manager over and complained.  He explained how much meat eaters enjoy this non-meat alternative.  I said, coming from a real vegetarian, there is no way we want to eat that meat-like burger.  Honestly - it's too real.

The Following Information is provided by National Day Calendar (click here)

Vegetarian Month is an annual designation observed in October. Even if you’re a meat eater, now’s the time to give some vegetarian recipes a try! As you probably know, vegetarianism is hugely popular among the millennial crowd. However, you may NOT know that it’s been around since before recorded history. Crazy, right? It’s one of the oldest diets in the book. 
  1. A vegetarian diet is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Lifestyles that are high in fruits, veggies, and other plant-based foods provide some of the most essential nutrients we need.
  2. Eating less meat supports heart health because it helps lower inflammation, and is high in dietary fiber. Plant-based foods can also significantly lower body mass index, which also promotes a healthy heart.
  3. Vegetarian diets can also help with weight loss if you keep processed carbs out along with the meat. If most of what you eat is fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds, it can actually be quite easy to lose weight.
  4. Cutting out meat may help to reduce your risk of diabetes, according to Loma Linda University School of Public Health.
  5. Finally, contrary to popular belief, you can still get plenty of protein on a vegetarian diet. If you do it right, it easily satisfies all of your nutritional needs.
Make a point to eat less meat this month. Don’t knock it ’til you try it! Make the yummiest (and prettiest) vegetarian meal you can find, and use #VegetarianMonth to post it on social media. If you don’t think you can go an entire month without it, that’s okay. Start out by trying Meatless Mondays. Do some online digging to find a few plant-based meals that you think sound tasty, and try cooking some of them up! And if you want some added incentives, here are a few things to remember. Meat is expensive; experts say vegetarians live longer, and… ice cream AND cheese pizza are vegetarian.
Celebrating this for an entire month stemmed from World Vegetarian Day, which was established by the North American Vegetarian Society on October 1st, 1977. But, vegetarianism itself dates back to a time before recorded history.
If you happen to fall in love with eating vegetarian this month, don’t worry… you can take it a step further for your next challenge. November 1st kicks off vegan month. Good luck!