Colin's Condition - Mayo Clinic Updates and 23 years of service
Mayo Clinic Updates and 23 years of service Journal entry by Laura Benson — Apr 10, 2018 We brought Colin to Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) in both February 2018 and again for a return visit in March-April 2018. We requested a second opinion and an evaluation and comparison findings from NIH (National Institutes of Health) and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The first visit (Feb. 19) brought many questions and interesting information to light, but no answers. We left hopeful that we would be able to return and continue on with a possible cure or treatment plan in sight. Our flight to and from Mayo Clinic was very challenging. Moving Colin from wheelchair to seat and pushing him through the airport was very rough on him. It took him many days to recover. We returned to Bethesda on March 1. After a few days of rest (and our first nor'easter) we took Colin to NIH for a follow up visit. NIH, using ...