
Showing posts from 2016

Funtastic Play Day

Welcome to Funtastic Play Day! A cooperative effort of local, small business working together to provide a fun, family friendly atmosphere hosted by various locations and venues in the East Orlando area. This  free event was supported and funded by many sponsors and vendors over the years in East Orlando.  This Series includes Carnivals, Easter Egg Events, Movie Events and more! This event has come to it's completion and will no longer be offered by Game Plan Media.   For a look back at past events from 2013, 2014 and 2015 please click on the links below: Funtastic Play Day – 2013!   Funtastic Play Day – 2014!   Funtastic Play Day – 2015!   View and Like our  Facebook Page Twitter Handle:    @FunPlayDayFL  Use hashtag #FunPlayDay Activities for all ages, everyone is well, free event! Businesses are encouraged to sponsor their tent area and provide carnival type activities.

First Puppy Road Trip

In April we celebrated my husband's birthday by visiting family and friends in Jacksonville by way of St. Augustine. This was our very first trip out of Orlando with our two new puppies:   Princess Buttercup our Puggle, and  Wesley our Boxer (We have a Princess Bride theme going on, but we spelled Wesley differently). Our trip began with a checklist and an internet search of where to stay.  We had plans to visit Grandma for lunch in her home on Friday afternoon, in Jacksonville, Florida. Since the puppies would be too distracting and interact with the dogs in Grandma's home, we were advised not to bring our pups to the visit.  Since we live in Orlando, we had to decide if we should make the 2 1/2 drive without them, leaving them home with our older daughters.  The pups had been sick and Wesley is recovering from pneumonia, so we didn't want to leave them behind either. The decision was made for us to leave early Friday morning to drive to Jacksonvil...